Hide behind your mask

A mask used to be something you only thought about for Halloween or a (now missed) “theme” party. Growing up, parents and teachers told us, “do not hide behind a mask,” but due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, a mask is not only required in most places but hiding behind one may actually save your life. What was once a stigma or an ill-fated costume, a mask has become a means of protection, care, and expression.

In recent weeks, I’ve seen the full gamut of masks. Some have used a mask as a lighthearted or uplifting item from what was once a clinical or boring thing. Others have used it as a cheeky tool (cue politicians or cartoon characters) or as a way of supporting your favorite team. Something interesting occurred to me when I opened my email and saw the brands that make the shorts I’ve been living in during quarantine were now making masks.

Brands put logos on your clothing, which is why you pay a premium for a plain t-shirt or already ripped jeans. So why not put logos and designs on masks? You may not be able to afford that Fendi bag or belt, but you can now wear some of those luxury brands on your face for much less than half of your paycheck (if you’re lucky enough to still be getting one…). Many brands are capitalizing on the mask that once made you cringe when the dentist leaned over to tell you that you didn’t have any cavities.

In these trying times you still have the ability to express yourself. I firmly applaud that sentiment. Brands give people a sense of identity. They can help define a person’s “personal brand”. Brands can give light to social causes and raise awareness of issues. As brands continue to use masks as an opportunity to spread their image and sell products, a mask has become a tool to express who you are or what you stand for.

So, hide behind your mask! It speaks to who you are, what you’re about and most importantly, keeps us safe to ensure this pandemic becomes a thing of the past.